A&A - Adaptation & Acceleration AAP - Accountability for Affected Populations ADAP - Adolescent Development and Participation ACABQ - Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions ACF - Action Contre la Faim ACLs - accelerated learning centres ACMO - Additional Chief Medical Officer ACT - Allocation and Ceiling Tracker AD - Auto-Destruct Syringe ADB - Asian Development Bank AEFI - adverse event following immunization AES/JE - Acute Encephalitis Syndrome/Japanese Encephalitis AfDB - African Development Bank AfricaSan - Africa Conference on Sanitation and Hygiene AI - Administrative Instruction (procedure) OR Artificial Intelligence AIDS - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome AMCOW - African Ministers' Council on Water AMP - Annual Management Plan AMR - Antimicrobial Resistance ANM - Auxiliary Nurse Midwife AOB - Any Other Business APA - Advanced Preparedness Action APEC - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ART - Antiretroviral Treatment ARV - Antiretroviral ASEAN - Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASHA - Accredited Social Health Activist ASG - Assistant Secretary-General AWP - Annual Work Plan AWW - Anganwadi Worker
B4R - Business for Results BA - Business Area BAB - Board Approved Budget BAT - Bottleneck Analysis Tool BCA - Basic Cooperation Agreement BCC - Behaviour Change Communication BCG - Bacille Calmette-Guérin (Tuberculosis Vaccine) BCP - Business Continuity Plan BCPM - Block Community Process Manager BEmONC - Basic Emergency Obstetric and New-born Care BFT - Business Formulation Tool BIA - Best interests assessment BID - Best interests determination BIR - Business Information Reporting BOS - Business Operations Strategy BPHS - Basic Package of Health Services BPRM - United States Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration BR - Bank Reconciliation BRAC - Bangladesh Rehabilitation Assistance Committee
C4D - Communication for Development CAG - Cash Assistance to Government CAP - Consolidated Appeals Process CAPO - Child Affairs Police Officer CATS - Community Approaches to Total Sanitation CAAC - Children and Armed Conflict CARICOM - Caribbean Community CBA - Community Based Approaches CBE - Community Based Education CBF - Common Budgetary Framework CBO - Community-based organization CC - Common Chapter CCA - Common Country Assessment OR Climate Change Adaptation CCC - Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action CCSA - Committee for Co-ordination of Statistical Activities CCS-UN - the Committee of Chief Statisticians of the UN CEAP - Corporate Emergency Activation Procedure CEB - UN System Chief Executive Board for Coordination OR Chief Executives Board CEDAW - Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women CEE - Climate, Energy, and Environment OR obsolete term for ECAR CELAC - Community of Latin American and Caribbean States CEMAC - Central African Economic and Monetary Community CEN-SAD - Community of Sahelo-Saharan States CEP - Costed Evaluation Plan CEPGL - Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries CER - Consolidated Emergency Report CERD - International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination CERF - Central Emergency Relief Fund CFAF - Communauté Financière Africaine CFM - Complaints and Feedback Mechanism CFS - Child-friendly School OR Change of Funding Source CHAI - Clinton Health Access Initiative CHAP - Common Humanitarian Action Plan CHS - Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability CHW - Community Health Worker CHTE - Complex and High Threat Environment CIS - Commonwealth of Independent States OR obsolete term for ECAR CIT - Country In Transition CLA - Cluster Lead Agency CLAC - Climate Landscape Analysis for Children CLTS - Community-Led Total Sanitation CM - Community Mobilization CMAM - community-based management of acute malnutrition CMC - Community Management Committee CMS - Central Medical Stores CMT - Country Management Team CNA - Compendium for Nutrition Actions CO - Country Office COAP - Country Office Annual Plan COAR - Country Office Annual Report CODAS - Country Office Development And Support CoP - Community of Practice CO PAT - Country Office Post Authorization Table COSA - Country Office Staff Association CP - Country Programme of Cooperation OR Child Protection CPAN - Child Protection Action Network CPAP - Country Programme Action Plan CPD - Country Programme Document CPE - Country Programme Evaluation CPiE - Child Protection in Emergencies CPMP - Country Programme Management Plan CPMS - Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action CRAVE - Country Reporting and Validation Exercise CRC - Convention on the Rights of the Child OR Contract Review Committee CRIs - Core Relief Items CRM - Child Rights Monitoring CRPD - Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities CSG - Child Safeguarding CSO - Civil Society Organisation OR Country Status Overview CSP - Civil Society Partnerships CwD - Children with Disabilities
DALY – Disability Adjusted Life Year DANIDA - Danish International Development Agency DAPM - Division of Data, Analytics, Planning and Monitoring DASEWU - Define Acronyms So Everyone Will Understand! DaO - Delivering as One DC - District Council DCT - Direct Cash Transfers DED - Deputy Executive Director DDI - Data Documentation Initiative DFAM - Division of Financial and Administrative Management DFATD - Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, Canada DHR - Division of Human Resources DHS - Domestic Household Survey OR Demographic and Health Survey DIMCI - Distant-learning Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses DoA - Description of Assignment DOC - Division of Communication DP - Direct Payment DPIA - Data Protection Impact Assessment DPRK - Democratic People's Republic of Korea DROPS (meeting) - Deputy Representatives and Operations Managers DRC - Democratic Republic of Congo DRD - Deputy Regional Director DRR - Disaster Risk Reduction DSA - Daily Subsistence Allowance OR Data Sharing Agreement OR Donor Statement by Activity DSPL - DataSet Publishing Language DTC - Diarrhea Treatment Centres DTP - Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis vaccine
EA - Evaluability Assessment EAPR - East Asia and Pacific Region EAPRO - East Asia and Pacific Regional Office EAR - Emergency Appeal Reference EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ECA - Economic Commission for Africa ECAR - Europe and Central Asia Region ECARO - Europe and Central Asia Regional Office ECCAS - Economic Community of Central African States ECD - Early Childhood Development ECE - Economic Commission for Europe OR Early Childhood Education ECHO - European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department ECLAC - Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean ECM - Enterprise Content Management ECOWAS - Economic Community of West African States ECW - Education Cannot Wait EDAR - Annual Report of the Executive Director of UNICEF EEFO - Earliest-Expiry-First-Out EFA - Education for All EFPs - Essential Family Practices EFTA - European Free Trade Association EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment EiE - Education in Emergencies EISI - Evidence Information Systems Integration eLMIS - Electronic Logistics Management Information System EMIS - Education Management Information System EmONC - Emergency Obstetric and New-born Care EMOPS - Office of Emergency Programmes EMT - Emergency Management Team eMTCT - Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission (of HIV) ENAP - Every Newborn Action Plan EOI - Expressions of Interest EOD - Entry on Duty EPF - Emergency Programme Fund EPI - Expanded Programme on Immunization EPP - Emergency Preparedness Platform EPRP - Emergency preparedness response plan ERC - Emergency Relief Coordinator ERM - Enterprise Risk Management ERT - Emergency Response Team ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning ESCAP - Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific ESCWA - Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia ESP - Education Sector Plan ESA - Education Sector Analysis ESAR - Eastern and Southern African Region ESARO - Eastern and Southern African Regional Office EVM - Effective Vaccine Management EVMA - Effective Vaccine Management Assessment EVSA - Effective Vaccine Store Assessment EWEA - Early Warning Early Action EXD - Executive Directive EYSN - End-Year Summary Narrative
FACE - Funding Authorization and Certificate of Expenditure FAM - Financial Assurance Module FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FC - Funds Commitment FDI - Foreign direct investment FGM/C - Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting FGD - Focus Group Discussion FI - Food Item FIC - Fully Immunized Child FICSA - Federation of International Civil Servants’ Associations FP - Focal Point FR - Fund Reservation FSP - Financial Service Provider FTIs - Faecally-Transmitted Infections FWA - Flexible Working Arrangement
GA - Goal Area GAP - Gender Action Plan (2018-2021) GAVI - Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization GBV - Gender-based violence GCF - Green Climate Fund GDP - Gross domestic product GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation (EU) GEROS - Global Evaluation Reports Oversight System GEM - Gender Equality Marker GHD - Girls’ Holistic Development (The Grandmother Project) GIS - Geographical Information Systems GL - General Ledger GLAAS - UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water GM - Growth Monitoring GMP - Growth Monitoring and Promotion GMT - Global Management Team GNI - Gross National Income GNP - gross national product GPE - Global Partnership for Education GP EVAC - Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children GPI - Gender Parity Index GPR - Gender Programmatic Review GR - Goods Receipt GRIP - Guidance for Risk-informed Programming GRM - Grievance Redress Mechanism GS - General Service (staff member) GSA - Global Staff Association GSBPM - Generic Statistical Business Process Model GSS - Global Staff Survey GSSC - Global Shared Services Centre GTC - General Terms and Conditions GWC - Global WASH Cluster GWP - Global Water Partnership
H&N - Health and Nutrition H1N1 - Influenza A virus H5N1 - Avian Influenza virus HAC - Humanitarian Action for Children HACT - Harmonised Approach to Cash Transfers HAP - Humanitarian Accountability Partnership HAR - Humanitarian Action Report HBF - Health Basket Fund HC - Humanitarian Coordinator HCF - Health Care Facility HCT - Humanitarian Country Team OR Humanitarian Cash Transfer HepB - Hepatitis B vaccine HEPI - Health Emergencies Preparedness Initiative HF - Health Facility Hib - Haemophilus influenza b HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus HH - household HLCM - High Level Committee on Management (UNSCEB) HLCP - High Level Committee on Programmes (UNSCEB) HNO - Humanitarian Needs Overview HOPE - Humanitarian cash Operations and Programme Ecosystem HoO - Head of Office HPM - Humanitarian Performance Monitoring HPV - Human Papilloma Virus HRBAP - human rights-based approach to programming HRBP - HR business partner HRH - Human Resources for Health HRLFP - Human Resources Local Focal Point HRP - Humanitarian Response Plan HSS - Health Systems Strengthening HSSP - Health Sector Strategic Plan HWWS - Hand Washing With Soap
IADB - Inter-American Development Bank IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency IAEG-SDGs - Inter-Agency and Experts Group on monitoring the SDGs IASC - Inter-agency Standing Committee IATI - International Aid Transparency Initiative IB - Integrated Budget IBCS - Integrated Budget Costing System IBR - Integrated budget review IBRD - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IBV - incentive-based volunteer ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization iCCM - integrated community case management ICCPR - International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ICE - Itemized Cost Estimate ICESCR - International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights ICRC - International Committee of the Red Cross ICSC - International Civil Service Commission ICT - Information and communications technology IDA - International Development Association IDB - Inter-American Development Bank (also IADB) IDP - Internally Displaced Person IEC - Information, Education and Communication IFAD - International Fund for Agricultural Development IFC - International Finance Corporation IFI - International Financial Institution IHL - International Humanitarian Law IHR - International Human Rights ILI - Influenza Like Illness ILO - International Labour Organization ILR - Ice-lined refrigerator IMAM - Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition IMCI - Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses IMEP - Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation Plan IMF - International Monetary Fund IMIS - Integrated Management Information System IMO - International Maritime Organization IMR - Infant Mortality Rate INEE - Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies INFF - Integrated National Financing Framework Infoterra - Global Environmental Information Exchange Network [UNEP] INSTRAW - International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women IOM - International Organization for Migration IP - Implementing Partner OR International Professional (staff member) IPC - Infection Prevention and Control OR Integrated Food Security Phase Classification IPSAS - International Public Sector Accounting Standards IPU - Inter-Parliamentary Union IPV - Inactivated Polio Vaccine IR - Invoice Receipt IsDB - Islamic Development Bank ITB - Invitation to bid ITC - International Trade Centre ITN - insecticide-treated net ITS - Informal Tented Settlements ITU - International Telecommunication Union IYCF - Infant and young child feeding
JCC - Joint Consultative Committee OR Joint Crisis Committee JICA - Japan International Cooperation Agency JIU - Joint Inspection Unit JMP - Joint Monitoring Programme JPO - Junior Professional Officer
KAPB - Knowledge Attitude Practice and Behaviour KII - Key Informant Interviews KM - Knowledge Management KOICA - Korea International Cooperation Agency KPI - Key Performance Indicator KRA - Key Result Area
LACR - Latin America and Caribbean Region LACRO - Latin America and Caribbean Regional Office LAS - League of Arab States LDC - Least Developed Country LEG - local Education Group LGAs - Local Government Authorities LGBTQIA+ - Lesbian; Gay; Bisexual; Transgender; Queer/Questioning; Intersex; Asexual; The "+" symbol stands for all other sexualities, sexes, and genders that aren't included. LHD - Linking Humanitarian and Development (e.g. LHD Procedure) LMICs - Low and Middle Income Countries LTA - long term agreement
M4R - Monitoring for Results MAP - Monitoring Action Plan MAPS - Mainstreaming Acceleration Policy Support (for the SDGs) M&E - Monitoring and Evaluation MEB - Minimum Expenditure Basket MENA - Middle East and North Africa Region MENARO - Middle East and North Africa Regional Office MBS - Market-based Sanitation MCP - Multi Country Programme MCV - measles-containing vaccine MDAs - Ministerial Department Agencies MDGs - Millennium Development Goals MDM - Master Data Management MDTF - Multi-Donor Trust Fund MHH - Menstrual Health and Hygiene MHPSS - Mental health and psychosocial support MHM - menstrual hygiene management MICS - Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey MIP - Medical Insurance Plan MIRA - Multi-Cluster Initial Rapid Assessment MMR - Maternal Mortality Ratio MNCH - Maternal, newborn and child health MNT - Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus MoE - Ministry of Education MoH - Ministry of Health MOPAN - Multilateral Organization Performance Assessment Network MoRES - Monitoring Results for Equity Systems MOSS - Minimum Operational Security Standards MoU - Memorandum of understanding MPA - Minimum Preparedness Action MPDSR - Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response MR - Measles and Rubella MSDCF - Multi-country Sustainable Development Framework MSF - Médecins Sans Frontières M-SMOSS - Monitoring safely managed onsite sanitation services project MTMR - Mid-Term Management Review MTSR - Mid-Term Strategic Reflection MTR - Mid-Term Review MTSP - Medium-term strategic plan MUAC - mid-upper-arm circumference
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization NCDs - non-communicable diseases NCHS - National Child Health Statistics NDA - Nationally Designated Authority NEET - not in employment, education or training NEPAD - New Partnership for Africa's Development NFE - Non-formal education NFI - Non-Food Item NfR - Note for the Record NGO - Non-governmental organization NETI - New & Emerging Talent Initiative NO - National Officer NPO - National Professional Officer NRA - National Regulatory Agency NRC - Norwegian Refugee Council NSAs - Non-State Actors NSE - Non-State Entity NSO - National Statistical Office NTDs - Neglected Tropical Diseases NUVI - New and underutilized vaccines NYHQ - New York Headquarters (UNICEF)
OAS - Organization of American States OAU - Organization of African Unity (now African Union) OCHA - The UN Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs ODA - Official Development Assistance ODF - Open Defecation Free OED - Office of the Executive Director OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD-DAC - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development – Development Assistance Committee OECS - Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States OGIP - the Office of Global Insight and Policy OHCHR - Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights OI - Organizational Improvement OIAI - Office of Internal Audit and Investigations OIC - Organization of Islamic Cooperation (formerly Organization of the Islamic Conference) OR Officer in Charge OIF - International Organization of la Francophonie OIOS - Office of Internal Oversight Services OMP - Office Management Plan OoC - Office of the Comptroller OoI - Office of Innovation OoO - Out of Office OoR - Office of Research OOSC - Out-of-school children OPCW - Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons OPEC - Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries OPV - Oral Polio Vaccine OR - Other Resources ORC - Oral Rehydration Centres ORE - Other Resources (Emergency) ORR - Other Resources (Regular) ORS - Oral Rehydration Salts OSCE - Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe OSEB - Office of the Secretariat of the Executive Board (UNICEF) OSH - Occupational Safety and Health
PAHO - Pan American Health Organization PAR - Participatory Action Research PBA - Programme Budget Allotment PBR - Programme and Budget Review PCA - Programme Cooperation Agreement PCV - Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine PD - Programme Division OR Programme Document PDDO - Programme Division Director's Office PDR - Prevent/Detect/Respond PEF - Partners Engagement Framework PEP - Post-Exposure Prophylaxis PER - Performance Evaluation Report PFP - Private Fundraising and Partnerships (UNICEF Geneva) PHC - Primary Health Care PIDB - Programme Information Database PIMAS - Programme Information Management and Administrative Services PIP - Performance Improvement Plan PLM - Pregnant and Lactating women PME - Planning monitoring and evaluation PMP - Partnership Management Portal PMT - Programme Management Team PMTCT - Prevention of mother-to-child transmission PO - Purchase Order PPD - Public Partnerships Division (UNICEF HQ) PPE - Personal Protective Equipment PPP - Purchasing Power Parity PPPX - Programme Policy and Procedure Site (this Site) PPTCT - Prevention of Parent-to-Child Transmission PRQ - Purchase Requisition PQS - Product Quality Standards PRA - Participatory Rapid Assessment PRC - Partnership Review Committee PRIME - Planning for Research, Implementation, Monitoring, and Evaluation PRP - Partner Reporting Portal PRS(P) - Poverty Reduction Strategy (Paper) PSEA - Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse PSFR - Program specific funding requirement OR Private Sector Fundraising PSN - Program Strategy Note PSS - Psychosocial Support PSV - Peer Support Volunteer PTG - Plan de Travail Glissant PTR - Plan de Travail Roulant
QCPR - Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review QOC - Quality of Care
RA - Result Area (Strategic Plan) RAM - Results Assessment Module RAPS - Risk Analysis and Preparedness Section, EMOPS RBB - Results-Based Budgeting RBM - Results Based Management RRBM - Rights and Results Based Management RC - Resident Coordinator RCT - Randomized Control Trial RCCE - Risk Communication and Community Engagement RD - Regional Director REC - Reaching Every Child RED - Reaching Every District RFP - Request For Proposal RFPS - Request for Proposal for Services RFQ - Request For Quotation RFT - Rural Female Teachers RM - Resource Mobilization RMNCH - Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health RMT - Regional Management Team RPC - Regional Planning Chief RO - Regional Office ROAR - Regional Office Annual Report ROMP - Regional Office Management Plan ROSA - Regional Office of South Asia RR - Regular Resources OR Rapid Response RRF - Results and Resources Framework RRT - Rapid Response Team RSA - Regional Staff Association RUTF - Ready-to-use Therapeutic Foods RWP - Rolling Work Plan
S4B - Skype for Business SAARC - South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation SADC - Southern African Development Community SAI - Supreme Audit Institution SAM - Severe acute malnutrition SAR - South Asia Region SBP - Stand-by Partners SAP - Systems Applications and Products SARS - Severe acute respiratory syndrome SD - Supply Division SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals SDMX - Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange SEA - Sexual Exploitation and Abuse SGB - Secretary General Bulletin SHARE - Sanitation and Hygiene Applied Research for Equity SIC - Specific Intervention Codes SitAn - Situation Analysis of Children's Rights SitRep - Situation Report SIWI - Stockholm International Water Institute SLA - Service Level Agreements SMART - Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transition SMQ - Strategic Monitoring Questions SMR - Strategic Moment of Reflection SMT - Security Management Team SSWG - Social Science Working Group SOP - Standard Operating Procedures SoD - Segregation of Duties SP - Strategic Plan OR Social Policy SPIMR - Strategic Planning, Implementation, Monitoring, and Reporting, section in DAPM SPPME - Social Policy, Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation SRA - Strategic Results Areas SSA - Special Service Agreement SSC - South South Cooperation SSFA - Small Scale Funding Agreement STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics STL - Safe to Learn SWA - Sanitation and Water for All SWAp - Sector Wide Approach SWM - Solid Waste Management
TA - Temporary Assignment T4D - Technology for Development TCA - Targeted Country Assistance TET - Technical Emergency Team ToC - Theory of Change TMS - Talent Management System TOR - Terms of Reference TPM - Third Party Monitoring TRT - Technical Review Team ToA - Table of Authority ToR - Terms of Reference ToT - Training of Trainers
UASC - Unaccompanied and Separated Children UDHR - Universal Declaration of Human Rights UNAIDS - Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS UNBOA - United Nations Board of Auditors UNCCS - United Nations Common Cash System UNCITRAL - United Nations Commission on International Trade Law UNCoLSC - UN Commission on Life-Saving Commodities UNCT - United Nations Country Team UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNDAF - United Nations Development Assistance Framework UNDAF-AP - UNDAF Action Plan UNDAP - United Nations Development Assistance Plan UNDG - United Nations Development Group UNDP - United Nations Development Programme UNDSS - United Nations Department for Safety and Security UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund UN-Habitat - United Nations Human Settlements Programme UNHCR - Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNICEF - United Nations Children’s Fund UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNIFEM - United Nations Development Fund for Women [transferred to UN-Women] UNGEI - United Nations Girls' Education Initiative UNLP - UN Laissez-Passer (UN passport) UNOCHA – United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs UNODC - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime UN-OHCHR - Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights UNOPS - United Nations Office for Project Services UNPP - UN Partner Portal UNRISD - United Nations Research Institute for Social Development UNRWA - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East UNSCEB - UN System Chief Executives Board UNSDCF - UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework UNSDG - UN Sustainable Development Group UNSSC - UN System Staff College UNU - United Nations University UNV - United Nations Volunteers Programme UN-Women - United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women UNWTO - World Tourism Organization UPU - Universal Postal Union USAID - United States Agency for International Development USG - Under-Secretary-General UT, UTC - Universal Time, Universal Time Coordinated UXB - Unexploded Bombs UXO - Unexploded Ordnance
VAT - Value added tax VfM - Value for Money VHND - Village Health & Nutrition Day VISION - Virtual Integrated System of Information
WASH - Water, Sanitation and Hygiene WASH BAT - WASH Bottleneck Analysis Tool WB - World Bank WBS - Work Breakdown Structure WCAR - West and Central Africa Region WCARO - West and Central Africa Regional Office WFFC - World Fit For Children (Declaration and Plan of Action) WFP - World Food Programme WHO - World Health Organization WICR - Walk-in Cold-Room WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization WiS - WASH in Schools (programme) WG - Working Group WMO - World Meteorological Organization WSC - World Summit for Children WSP - Water Safety Planning OR World Bank Water and Sanitation Program WSUP - Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor WTO - World Trade Organization WWN - Water Waste Network
XDR-TB - extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis